If you aspire to be a career mountain guide and you have had some professional experience already, there may be a place for you at Alpine Adventures. You will need to have at least five active years of traditional climbing experience, the ability to climb efficiently on long rock routes of at least 5.9, ice routes of WI-4, and appropriate first-aid training. Backcountry skiing experience would be helpful. You will also need to have had at least some experience teaching or guiding. Most importantly, you must demonstrate well-developed interpersonal skills.
Adirondack climbing
We are not currently hiring, however, when we do hire, we contact qualified candidates from our files first. Send us your resumé, tell us why you want to be a career mountain guide and why you would like to work for Alpine Adventures. We’ll take it from there.
We provide extensive training in our methods, working conditions that will allow you to expand your abilities, and competitive compensation. For the right person, advancement opportunities are also possible.